Back Pain
Interventions based on strong evidence used by ours Clinicians to improve Back pain condition:
– Manual Therapy
we utilize thrust manipulative procedures to reduce pain and disability in patients with mobility deficits and acute low back and back-related buttock or thigh pain. Thrust manipulative and non-thrust mobilization procedures can also be used to improve spine and hip mobility and reduce pain and disability in patients with sub acute and chronic low back and back-related lower extremity pain.
Interventions – Trunk Coordination, Strengthening, and Endurance Exercises
trunk coordination, strengthening, and endurance exercises to reduce low back pain and disability in patients with sub acute and chronic low back pain with movement coordination impairments and in patients post lumbar microdiscectomy.
Interventions – Centralization and Directional Preference Exercises and Procedures
repeated movements, exercises, or procedures to promote centralization to reduce symptoms in patients with acute low back pain with related (referred) lower extremity pain. Clinicians should consider using repeated exercises in a specific direction determined by treatment response to improve mobility and reduce symptoms in patients with acute or sub acute low back pain with mobility deficits.
Interventions – Flexion Exercises
flexion exercises, combined with other interventions such as manual therapy, strengthening exercises, nerve mobilization procedures, and progressive walking for reducing pain and disability in older patients with chronic low back pain with radiating pain.
Interventions – Lower Quarter Nerve Mobilization Procedures
lower quarter nerve mobilization procedures to reduce pain and disability in patients with sub acute and chronic low back pain and radiating pain.
Interventions – Progressive Endurance Exercise and Fitness Activities
moderate to high intensity exercise for patients with chronic low back pain without generalized pain, and 2) incorporating progressive, low intensity, sub-maximal fitness and endurance activities into the pain management and health promotion strategies for patients with chronic low back pain with generalized pain.
The clinical course of low back pain can be described as acute, sub acute, transient, recurrent, or chronic. Given the high prevalence of recurrent and chronic low back pain, ours clinicians high priority on interventions based on theoretical/foundational strong evidence that prevent (1) recurrences and (2) the transition to chronic low back pain.